1. A student can remodule on the following circumstances:

(a) The number of failed modules is greater than or equal to 50% of the total modules within the semester and/or total modules of the course.

(b) Retaking the module more than two (2) times.

(c) When the student has requested for the teacher’s revision or additional classes in-lieu of module re-sit.

Note: When the student has not requested for re-module and falls into the above circumstances, then he/she will be viable for termination.

2. Remodule can be arranged on the following options:

Remodule 1st OptionClass is arranged within the course duration and module timetable is within the semester scheduling
Remodule 2nd OptionClass is arranged within the course duration but module timetable is not within the semester scheduling

3. All fees collected for the remodule will be FPS protected. Cross-reference with EQMS-POM Sub-Criterion 4.1.1 Fee Protection Scheme

4. There will be no instalment arrangements for remodule fee.

5. Remodule schedules and time-table will be approved by HoA as the chairman of TLC. All remodule schedules shall be endorsed to the BoA for final review and approval.