All requests must be made in writing through the submission of the relevant application Form and any supporting documents. Verbal notice is not accepted.

For students under the age of 18, written consent from the parent/legal guardian must be obtained.

All requests will be reviewed on a case by cases basis and GCS will have the final decision on the outcome.

GCS’s refund policy shall apply for all qualified refunds. Students are to refer to GCS Refund Policy and the Standard PEI-Student Contract for further details.

Withdrawal Policy

I. The definition of withdrawal is when a student discontinues the courses with the School.

II. Conditions for granting the withdrawal:

a. All outstanding fees must be settled prior to request.

III. For International Students, ICA will be informed through the cancellation of the student’s

pass. Student’s pass holder is required to submit his/her student’s pass to the school for

cancellation of the student’s pass with ICA.

IV. A student who has withdrawn will have their student contract terminated

Withdrawal Application Process:

The conditions for Withdrawal are:

GCS’s adopts the Withdrawal Policy as stated in the Standard PEI-Student Contract Version 4.0 Clause 3 Termination and Refund Policy and Schedule E Refund Events). This policy will act as a framework in guiding the implementation of detailed refund processes and withdrawal procedures in the following areas:

3.1 To 3.7 in Standard PEI-Student Contract Version 4.0 – Termination and Refund policy (Please refer to the diagram in Schedule E)

3.8 Refund for Withdrawal During the Cooling-Off Period

3.9 Refund for Withdrawal Outside the Cooling-Off Period

Upon receiving the withdrawal application, Admin Manager will process request within 4 weeks from the point of the student’s request and Head of Admin to conduct an interview/counselling session to:

I. Understand and determine the reason for withdrawal applications and if solutions for

student retention are possible. If no solutions are found, the School will note the reason for

withdrawal in the Course Transfer/Withdrawal Form which would be submitted for final

approval. Approval will be done within 7 working days from the student’s submission date.

II. A written notification will be given to the student to inform them of confirmation of their

course withdrawal request.

The first step in the withdrawal process is to check if the student is eligible for a refund. If YES, the process will be expedited, and a refund given within 7 working days.

The computation of the refund amount will be explained to the student when he/she comes to collect the money and sign the acknowledgement of the refund given. For refunds given via TT, Bank Transfer, or other electronic means, a follow-up email will be sent to the student showing the computation of the refund amount.

Verify and confirm that the parent/legal guardian’s written consent has been given if he/she is under 18 years of age

Inform ICA to cancel the Student’s Pass application (for STP Holders)

Check to verify if the student is eligible for a refund

Issue a formal letter of Withdrawal to the student/parent

Admin Manager will update the FPS status into the Lonpac Insurance Bhd excel template and FPS File 1 within 3 working days to ensure that the coverage period and amount are adequate.

Update the status of the student withdrawal in the AIMS System and Withdrawal record.