GCS adopts the dispute resolution policy based on the Private Education Regulations and stated in the Standard GCS-Student Contract Version 4.0, clause 4.1.

The dispute resolution is also communicated to students via the Website, Student Handbook and during Pre-Course Counselling and Student Orientation.

When there is a dispute and/or complaint, the first course of action is to resolve all disputes and complaints at the earliest opportunity.

If the matter cannot be resolved internally or if the student/parent is unsatisfied with the outcome, GCS and/or student/parent may approach the CPE Mediation – Arbitration Scheme which is jointly drawn up with the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC), and the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) and is designed to provide students and Private Education Institutions (GCS) a quick and affordable way of resolving disagreements.

Refer to the link below for more information on CPE’s structured approach in resolving disputes between the students and the PEI:
