The admission requirements for every course are readily available on the website and the marketing collateral such as course brochures for each course. It is the responsibility of the Course Counsellor and Agents to highlight to the student the entry requirements during pre-course counselling.

Registration Process

Applicants who wish to enroll on a course with GCS, are required to complete the Student Application Form and submit the necessary documents to Genetic Bukit Merah Office or email to:

The Course Counsellor will follow up and contact the applicant for further information or documents (if required), and arrange for a pre-course counselling session.

If the applicant did not fully meet the entry requirements, the Principal is consulted to determine whether the applicant can benefit from joining the course before he/she can be accepted before proceeding with the application.

If the application cannot be accepted, the Admin Manager will inform the Course Counsellor to inform the applicant that the application is rejected and give the applicant the reason for the rejection.

The applicant who met all the entry requirements, the Admin Manager will then proceed with the application and input the details into the school management system to trigger payment of the Application Fees.

Applicants are required to pay the Application Fees which can be made via:

  • Bank Transfer
  • Cash
  • Cheque

Selection Process

Applicants are required to fill in the Student Application Form and submit the necessary documents.

The Admin Manager will check to ensure that all necessary had been submitted and verify the applicants’ suitability for the course and that they meet course admission requirements by filling out the Student Selection and Admission Monitoring/Observation of Staff form as well as verifying the originality of supporting documents and stamped “Certified True Copy”. This is monitored, endorsed and signed by Head of Admin.

For the applicant who submits the documents through the email, the verification of the originality of supporting documents submitted by Applicants is done during the admission process and the candidate is required to bring their original documents to be sighted and copies made stamped “Certified True Copy”.

All students must be proficient in English. Admin Manager will use the Admission Requirement and English Proficiency Requirement form to monitor whether student had met the entry and English Proficiency requirement. This is monitored, endorsed and signed by Head of Admin.

Student who did not meet the English requirement, GCS will administer the English Proficiency Test to assess the prospective student’s level of English so that the student can cope as courses will be taught in English.

The Admin Manager will submit the Student Application Form together with all the documents to Head of Admin to verify, and to be approved by the Principal.

Approval of Application

The application is again check and vet by the Principal before he approves the admission of this student. A Letter of Offer will be issued to the student confirming the admission and signed by the Principal.

If the application is not approved, the Admin Manager will send an email or WhatsApp a Letter of Rejection to the Applicant.

If the applicant is an international student and is approved for enrolment, the Admin Manager shall submit the Student Pass application to ICA.

The Admin Manager shall update and inform the student of the status of their application.

Admission Process

Upon approval of the application, the Admin Manager will inform the student and conduct the admission process as follows:

  • Communication with international students, parents or guardians on the status of their Student’s Pass application
  • Execution of Student Contract and a cooling-off period
  • Payment of course fee
  • Purchase of FPS and premium amount (if applicable)
  • Orientation for newly enrolled students to inform them of essential course and student support services information


All newly enrolled students will go through an Orientation on their first day of school held in the Classroom, to inform them of essential course information, student support services information and the GCS’s policies.

For students/parents who are unable to attend, a separate arrangement will be made.

Students/Parents can also access the information which is available in the Student Handbook and Orientation Slides.